6 Key Facts About the Furnace Installation Process

If your old furnace isn’t working well or heating your space properly, it might be time to install a new one. Here’s what you need to know about the furnace installation process. Know more about furance installation in Coquitlam

1. Choose the Right Type of Furnace

There are different types of furnaces, and choosing the right one for your home is important:

Gas Furnaces: These are common and use natural gas to heat your home efficiently. They are known for their high efficiency in converting fuel to heat.

Oil Furnaces: These are often found in older homes or areas without natural gas. They use oil for heating and can be a good option where gas isn’t available.

Electric Furnaces: These use electricity to heat your home. While they might not be as efficient as gas furnaces, they are usually less expensive to install and are suitable for warmer climates.

2. Proper Sizing is Crucial

The furnace you choose should match the size of your home. A furnace that is too large or too small can affect efficiency and comfort. Factors to consider include:

Size of your home


Quality of insulation and ductwork

Number of windows

Condition of gas lines and electrical wiring

A professional can help you determine the right size for your furnace based on these factors.

3. Inspect Ductwork and Air Vents

Before installing a new furnace, it’s important to check the condition of your ductwork and air vents. Poorly sealed ducts or debris can cause energy loss and reduce efficiency. 

4. Use a Programmable Thermostat

Investing in a programmable thermostat can help you save on energy costs. This device allows you to set schedules for your furnace, so it adjusts the temperature based on when you’re home or away. 

5. Professional Installation is Essential

It’s best to have a professional handle the furnace installation. Professionals have the training and tools needed to ensure the installation is done correctly and safely. 

6. Regular Maintenance is Key

Once your new furnace is installed, regular maintenance is important to keep it running smoothly. Simple tasks like replacing air filters, cleaning the unit, and scheduling annual inspections can help extend the life of your furnace and keep it operating efficiently. 

What to Expect During Installation

Discuss Project Details: The technician will go over the details of the installation and answer any questions you might have.

Prepare the Work Area: Clear the space where the furnace will be installed to ensure a safe and clean working environment.

Safety Inspections: The technician will check electrical, gas, and fuel lines for safety before starting the installation.

Remove Old Equipment: The old furnace will be carefully disconnected and removed.

Install the New Furnace: The new furnace will be installed, connected, and tested to ensure it works correctly.

Plan for Maintenance: Set up a maintenance plan to keep your furnace in good condition and extend its lifespan.

By understanding these key aspects of furnace installation, you can ensure a smooth process and enjoy a more efficient and comfortable heating system in your home.